Irlen® Assessments and Consulting
The PASS Assessment asks:
what symptoms are occurring that are causing difficulties and whether:
the difficulties relate just to looking at text
there are difficulties related to the environment
they interfere significantly with learning, performance and living
At the end of the assessment you will be provided with a one-page summary report and a referral to an Irlen Screener
A PASS Assessment usually takes about half an hour, is usually carried out at a school at no cost, or for about $65.
A screening assessment
The Irlen® Screening Assessment asks:
In addition to the questions asked by a PASS practitioner:
do coloured overlays makes a difference
is an Irlen® Method TInting assessment warranted
At the end of the assessment you will be provided, if appropriate, with an Irlen® overlay, a one-page summary report and a referral to a diagnostician.
An Irlen® Screening Assessment takes about one hour and costs $180.
There are additional costs if you would like:
an assessment carried out in your home
a written report
Only Certified Irlen® Screeners, who are trained in all the specific approaches required, can carry out Irlen® Screening Assessments.
A Diagnostic Assessment
The Irlen Method
Tinting Assessment
In this session, you choose the precise tint combinations which make the page more comfortable to work on and reduce print distortions. You check whether the Irlen® tints make positive changes only for reading or also for the environment.
At the end of the assessment your tint selection and glasses frames will be sent to the laboratory in Perth which can make the precise tints required.
An Irlen® Method TInting Assessment can take up to 2 hours, sometimes over more than one session. For some, the process is easier and shorter.
The cost for this ranges between $225 and $315 depending on whether a screening assessment has already been carried out or is required. A written report is included.
Costs for the laboratory vary depending on whether
a prescription is required as well as the tinting
the type of prescription required
Certified Diagnosticians require significant training to carry out Irlen Method Tinting Assessments.