Self Test Adult
Check out these questions.
If the answer is "yes" to 3 or more of these them, an Irlen® Screening could be helpful.
Do you unintentionally skip lines, repeat lines or lose your place?
Do you have to re-read in order to understand?
Are you easily distracted?
Do you avoid reading whenever possible?
Do you experience headaches or fatigue?
Do your eyes hurt, burn, itch, water, become tired, ache?
Does it take energy and effort to see the words clearly?
Do your eyes become strained after a short time of computer use?
Does reading appear harder, the longer you read.
Does print ever blur or seem fuzzy?
Move or merge?
Double, distort or fade?
Get darker in colour?
Have bright halos or shadows?
Light Sensitivity
Sunlight too bright and/or sunglasses a necessity?
It uncomfortable to read or work under bright or fluorescent light?
White pages, computer screens / white boards seem too white/bright?
Headlights or streetlights bother you or have halos?
Experience “unexplained” headaches or migraines?
Overtired at the end of the work day?
Need breaks often during work
Depth Perception
Hold onto the railing while walking up or down stairs/escalators?
Bump into objects, veer into people when walking beside them?
Have trouble catching, hitting or following a ball while watching sport on TV?
Have difficulty judging traffic, distance between cars, lane changing, overtaking, parking? .
based on Self-Test for Irlen Syndrome © 1990 Helen L Irlen Rev. 1997