Irlen® Self Test Child
Check the following out with your child.
If the answer is "yes" to 3 or more of these questions, an Irlen® Screening would be useful.
Does your child have difficulty with reading?
Has slow, stop-and-go reading
Ignores full stops and commas
Does not understand or remember what has been read?
Does your child have difficulty with spelling and handwriting?
Has uneven writing
Makes spelling errors even when copying
Confuses similar letter, n/m, words, was/saw or numbers, 2/5?
Does your child have difficulties with attention?
Become fidgety, “hyperactive”, restless or easily distracted?
Avoids reading or looks away when reading
Daydreams in class?
Does your child have difficulty with visual perception?
Complains about letters looking “funny” or moving
Loses his/her place when copying from the board or a book?
Blinks, squints or moves his/her head to make reading “easier.”
Does your child have light sensitivity?
Prefers to read in dull light or in a darker part of the room?
Says computer screens, whiteboards, Smart Boards are too bright or glary?
Squints when outside, complain about the light, like to wear a hat?
Does your child have difficulty with depth perception?
Seems "clumsy", drops things, knock into furniture, spills drinks?
Has difficulty catching a (tennis) ball on the full?
Veer into you when walking beside you?
based on Self-Test for Irlen Syndrome © 1990 Helen L Irlen Rev. 1997